Youth transitioning out of care study

Since 2019, the Youth Research Academy (YRA) have been surveying youth transitioning out of government care in BC. The survey asks questions about youth’s background, health, experiences in care, living situations, education, employment, money, goals, access to services and supports, and strengths and needs.

Study details and access to the survey

The YRA is surveying BC youth aged 18 to 27 with experience of government care or an alternative to care, such as a Youth Agreement. The goal is to understand what is working well and what can be improved for young people transitioning out of care.

The survey takes about 20 minutes to complete, and youth receive a $25 e-gift card for completing their first survey. Youth who complete the survey have the option to complete further surveys about every six months after that and receive a $30 e-gift card for each additional time point completed. Participation in the study is anonymous.

Please contact to receive a survey link or to request a paper copy of the survey.


Click here to download the Fall 2024 report.

Click here to download the Spring 2023 update.

Click here to download the March 2022 update.

Click here to download the preliminary report (2021).

More information

For more information, or if you would like to share details of the study with others, click here to download a flyer or click here to download a poster.

View a short video about the survey created by the Youth Research Academy on McCreary's YouTube channel @McCrearyCentre.

To access a list of resources available to youth in and from care in BC: Click here