Books and book chapters
Chapter: Making care central in research with care experienced people
This chapter appears in the book Living on the edge: Innovative international research on leaving care.. The chapter focuses on engaging young people with lived experience in the research that affects them and uses McCreary's Youth Research Academy (YRA) as an example.
Chapter: Meaningfully Engaging Homeless Youth in Research
This chapter appears in the book Clinical Care for Homeless, Runaway and Refugee Youth: Intervention Approaches, Education and Research Directions. The chapter focuses on engaging young people with lived experience of homelessness in research and uses McCreary's Homeless and Street-Involved Youth Survey (HSIYS) as an example.
Engaging care leavers as youth researchers to assess the feasibility of a family finding model
McCreary has published an article in the Children and Youth Services Review. Youth researchers with government care experience were commissioned to conduct a feasibility study into a high-intensity family finding model’s applicability for use in Western Canada, and to identify other models providing mentorship and natural support which could also be considered. Click here to access the article.
Developing an index of adolescent deprivation for use in British Columbia, Canada
McCreary has published an article in the Child Indicators Research Journal on developing a measure that captures the experiences of deprivation among youth in BC. Inspired by a model successful used in the UK to measure material deprivation, the BC Youth Deprivation Index was developed ahead of the 2018 BC Adolescent Health Survey and collected results from over 38,000 BC youth. Click here to access the article.