TRRUST (Transition in Resources, Relationships, and Understanding Support Together) is a Collective Impact initiative which began in April 2014. TRRUST is a shared effort, now composed of over 80 organizations and 400 members, including non-profit organizations, government agencies, and young people with lived experience in care. The common interest of all TRRUST members is to achieve system-wide improvements in the outcomes for youth transitioning out of government care in Vancouver, BC.
TRRUST Passion Projects
Pet friendly services: This project is seeking to better support youth aging out of care who have companion animals. This includes raising awareness among service providers of the needs of youth with pets, and the bond between youth and their animals; as well as working with animal welfare organizations and service providers to develop pet-friendly housing policies, and ensure youth have access to the information and resources they need to care for their pets.
Food security: This project is aiming to decrease the number of youth aging out of care who experience food insecurity. This includes ensuring youth have access to nutritious food and food banks as needed.
Youth spaces: The goal of this project is to increase access to youth specific spaces where youth aging out of care can connect with other care experienced youth to participate in community, culture, and activities.
Youth housing: The goal of this project is to increase access to affordable and safe housing for youth transitioning out of government care. The project is currently working to improve housing options and supports through allocated units in new and existing housing developments.
Shared measurement: This cluster continues to operate and is collecting data from participating TRRUST members to assess the progress of the collective, and identify where additional work is needed. To view materials from the shared measurement cluster click here.
For more information about TRRUST, click here.
For more information about TRRUST projects and to download resources, click here.
To view upcoming opportunities and events, click here.
Contact Us
If you would like to contact TRRUST, please email our project manager Erica Mark at
The information on this page is developed and maintained by members of TRRUST Collective Impact.