Homeless Youth Health and Wellness Survey

The Homeless Youth Health and Wellness Survey is administered with the support of youth serving agencies across BC and focuses on youth who identified as homeless, unstably housed, or at risk of homelessness.

2023 Homeless Youth Health and Wellness Survey

A team of over 50 community co-researchers, including youth workers and youth with lived experience of homelessness, administered the survey to a total of 838 young people, aged 12–27, in 36 communities across the province.


Searching for a place: The health and well-being of homeless and unstably housed youth in BC

The report briefly shares results from the 2023 BC Adolescent Health Survey, showing the prevalence of homelessness for youth aged 12-19, before moving on to consider the health of youth aged 12-27 with experience of homelessness and housing instability who completed the 2023 Homeless Youth Health and Wellness Survey.

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Fact sheets

Infographics and posters


Related research

Chapter: Meaningfully Engaging Homeless Youth in Research

This chapter appears in the book Clinical Care for Homeless, Runaway and Refugee Youth: Intervention Approaches, Education and Research Directions. The chapter focuses on engaging young people with lived experience of homelessness in research and uses McCreary's Homeless and Street-Involved Youth Survey (HSIYS) as an example.

Find the book here

Materials from previous surveys

Our communities, our youth: The health of homeless and street-involved youth in BC

This report profiles the health of youth who are homeless, precariously housed, or involved in a street lifestyle, and describes not only the challenges in their lives, but also their continued engagement in school and community.

Download / Media Release

Moving Upstream: Aboriginal Marginalized and Street-Involved Youth in BC

This report analyzes the experiences in nine B.C. communities of more than 400 homeless, inadequately housed, street-involved, and marginalized Aboriginal youth ages 12 to 18. The report also includes the response to these findings from Aboriginal community members, and calls for increased services.


Improving the Odds: Next Steps Workshops with Marginalized and Street Involved Youth

Summarizing workshops McCreary Centre Society facilitated with street-involved and marginalized youth across the province. The workshops provided youth with opportunities to discuss the results of the report Against the Odds: A profile of marginalized youth in BC (2007), and to make recommendations for change.


Against the Odds: A profile of marginalized and street-involved youth in BC

This report analyzes the experiences in nine B.C. communities of 762 homeless, inadequately housed, street-involved, and marginalized youth ages 12 to 18.
