TRRUST: Collective Impact


What is CI-TRRUST?

TRRUST (Transition in Resources, Relationships, and Understanding Support Together) is a Collective Impact initiative which began in April 2014. TRRUST is a shared effort, now composed of over 80 organizations and 400 members, including non-profit organizations, government agencies, and young people with lived experience in care. The common interest of all TRRUST members is to achieve system-wide improvements in the outcomes for youth transitioning out of government care in Vancouver, BC.

TRRUST Opportunities

Join the CYL

Recruiting Collective Young Leaders

The CYL is a diverse group that provides leadership for the TRRUST Initiative in collaboration with the Strategic Advisory. Our voices inform all decisions and aspects of the initiative.

Qualities of CYL members:


Evaluation report-Phase two

McCreary evaluated Phase Two of the collective impact initiative (July 2016 to September 2017). Phase two included developing a governance structure, developing shared measures, and implementing the Caring Connections success pillar. Download the report here.

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