These are some of our unwritten (until now) guidelines for maintaining our YAC...
- Make it easy for youth to attend meetings
- Hold regular meetings at convenient times (ours are usually held at 5:30 pm).
- Consult every youth before setting a date and time (you won’t be able to please everyone but at least everyone will have a say).
- If possible and necessary, try to arrange transportation to and from meetings (we provide bus tickets for anyone using transit).
Keep group relatively focused so that members feel helpful and valuable to the group and/or the established common goal.
- Set an agenda
- Have a youth chairperson
- Rotate chairperson position at each meeting
- Distribute minutes
Create a comfortable meeting atmosphere.
- Always provide food (healthy snacks, drinks...)
- Be flexible with the agenda
- Allow time for socializing
- Humour and fun are important; laughter is medicine