2023 BC AHS regional and health authority reports currently being released

Following the release of the provincial report of the 2023 BC Adolescent Health Survey results (available here), we have now released all 16 regional reports, including for Northwest HSDA (available here), Northeast HSDA (available here), Northern Interior HSDA (available here), Thompson Cariboo Shuswap HSDA (available here), Okanagan HSDA (available here), Kootenay Boundary HSDA (available here), East Kootenay HSDA (available here), North Vancouver Island HSDA (available here), Central Vancouver Island HSDA (available here), South Vancouver Island HSDA (available here), North Shore/Coast Garibaldi HSDA (available here), Vancouver HSDA (available here), Richmond HSDA (available here), Fraser North HSDA (available here), Fraser South HSDA (available here), and Fraser East HSDA (available here).

2023 BC AHS healthy authority reports:

We have also begun releasing reports sharing a health profile of youth in BC's health authorities. The results for youth in Northern Health is now available (download here), as well as the results for Fraser Health (download here).